Sunday, March 30, 2008

John August

In August of 1768, a young Beothuk boy was spotted by fishermen along with his mother near Red Indian lake. The woman was killed and the boy was taken captive. Records show the boy was around the age of four at the time of his capture. He was given the English name of John August, because he was captured in August. Records also show that in 1785, Ausgust was employed with a Mr. Child who was an agent for Jeffrey and Street in Catalina. He went on to become Master of a fishing vessel in Trinity, and it is believed that every fall he would travel to the interior to visit his people. August died October 29th 1788 and was interned at the Anglican cemetary in Trinity.
In 1771, another child of the Beothuk tribe came to reside in trinity. A young girl named Oubee was 12 when she was taken by fishermen near Charles Brook. It was alleged that she was taken in a confrontation over the theft of salmon nets. A Beothuk man was apparently killed, a young boy was also injured. She was taken to live with Thomas Stone of Trinity. In 1793, Stone moved back to England, and brought Oubee with them. Oubee Died and was buried in England

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